Friday, January 7, 2011

Ice skating with Tante Elly

This week, the girls and me spent a few days at Oma's. We also went ice skating with Tante Elly. A bit too crowded to be really comfortable, but still lots of fun.
The girls having fun with Tante Elly

Monday, January 3, 2011

Good times at a pretty table

Yesterday, we had a rather late Christmas dinner with my side of the family. Our tradition is to have a kind of pot luck dinner, where everybody prepares one or a few dishes, which combined make Christmas dinner. It's a very relaxed and involved way to have dinner, very much in the spirit of Christmas, I think. So, we all had a great time and a delicious meal. At a pretty looking table, if I say so myself :-)
Pretty in lavender and white (with a hint of green, to make it more Christmassy ... )

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

We wish everybody a happy, healthy and fun filled 2011!
Cards will arrive late, as usual ...

We spent New Years Eve with friends and we let Emma stay up until midnight. She was so excited that she didn't have to go to bed! And she did very well, maybe thanks to the fact that our friends' oldest daughter stayed awake as well. The girls had lots of fun together. Same as last year, we woke Janne up shortly before midnight, so she could join the celebrations and fireworks. Some of our neighbors had bought really beautiful fireworks and we enjoyed watching it very much :-)