Sunday, February 13, 2011

As promised, more ice skating :-)

On Wednesday, Pieter went back to the ice skating track, to look for his lost ice skating skills. And he found them! So, it was off to the track again today, so we could all witness Pieter's re-found sportsmanship. First, he showed us how he practiced on Wednesday, with a skate-rack / skate-coach. Today, he was quite confident and happy again!

Practice run, with skate racks

On his own, a pretty confident sportsman again

The girls skated on their own the whole time as well; good job!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And again, ice skating

As natural ice is probably not going to happen anymore this season, we took the girls to the ice skating track/rink in Eindhoven. While Emma, Janne and me had fun skating, Pieter discovered to his amazement that his body had forgotten how to skate. He bravely decided to go back later this week and start to learn again! Maybe some more pics will follow ...
Girls in action