Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another Christmas dinner table

This year, our Christmas dinner table was a bit more traditional then the years before, when it was lilac. This year is was green and as usual, mom was pretty happy with the result and proud to share :-)
Traditional in green
In more detail

Friday, December 23, 2011

PointWood performing

Last Saturday, Pieter had a performance with PointWood, the big band he is playing in since a few months. They played three sessions, including Christmas and typical big band songs.
PointWood performing Big Spender. Vocals by Meryl Foreman.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Emma 9 years old!

Today, Emma turned 9; happy birthday, dearest Emma! Even though it was a school day, Emma had breakfast in bed and gifts at the breakfast table. She said the breakfast made her day :-)

Three seconds after we turned on the light and barely awake

Fully awake, enjoying her breakfast in bed moment

Unwrapping her gifts, with her birthday-treats-tree at her side

Sunday, December 18, 2011

VVV fans spotted

Pieter and his brother Gerben have seasonal ticket to their hometown soccer club, VVV Venlo. A few weeks ago, they were spotted along the line by television camera's and they had their 15 minutes of fame! Actually, more like 15 seconds, but still ...

You can see the two brothers 19.30 minutes into the broadcast.
Commentary in Dutch: Outside the field, people were feasting, on the field a bit less so ... (VVV played a lousy game, they lost 2-1)