Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Family wedding

Today, we went to Venlo, to attend Pieter's youngest sister's wedding. It was a nice opportunity to see a lot of Pieter's relatives again. Last time we saw them was, very typical for large families, at the funeral of Pieter's mother. The Dekker family has not changesd over the years that I've known them. It's still a unique and crazy bunch of people, garanteed to make every party very interesting and lots of fun. Emma and Janne were entertained the whole time by their cousins, both the French and the Dutch ones. Pieter's youngest sister has lived in France for over 20 years and she became French several years ago. Her children speak Dutch, but with a strong French accent. That was probably part of their attraction for Emma and Janne. That, plus the fact that they were willing to play all kinds of games with them.
The real wedding party will be in France in August. Having heard very wild stories about French Dekker weddings, I'm looking forward to attending one!

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