Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Yesterday, the teachers at the girls' school had a study day. So, Emma and Janne had a day off. These study days are perfect days for visiting theme and family parks, which are too crowded on weekends and holidays. This time, we went to the Dolfinarium in Harderwijk. Pieter had been there when he was little, but for me it was also a first. The Dolfinarium is a micro version of Sea World, without the killer wales and other bigger animals. Because of it's compact size, playgrounds and beach, it's perfect for a day trip with little children.

The pirat show with a very smart sea lion as a pirat

One of the four playgrounds has real boats to play on

The real walrusses wouldn't sit still, therefore a shot with these two

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

In the (early) morning, we celebrated Father's Day. The celebration was limited to giving gifts and serving Dad breakfast in bed, because Mom had to go walking. Still the girls were very excited that they were finally allowed to give Pieter there gifts. Emma had made some very sweet 'I will help you' vouchers and Janne had made a big lighthouse.

Janne's lighthouse has a real light at the top

Emma's vouchers are hidden in a box decorated with a piano

Now, I just came home after walking the second 40 km. It went very well. I only have a little 'heat rash' on my ankles, but that should be gone tomorrow. Today was even nicer than yesterday, because there was more singing and lots of people along the route. Especially in Valkenswaard, the end of the route, there were rows of onlookers. I'm a bit more confident now that I will be able to complete the Nijmegen Four Day Marches :-)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Walking with Mother Mary

Today was the first day of a 2 day 2x 40 km training walk. This time, I didn't walk alone, but with about 1600 other pilgrims. The walk I joined was the yearly pilgrimage from Valkenswaard to Mother Mary of Handel (in Handel). Nowadays, most people join the pilgrimage purely for the walking part, but it still includes continues singing of Mother Mary songs, a Holy Mass on Saturday evening after the walk and one on Sunday morning before the walk and carrying a statuette of Mother Mary around the church in Handel. It was very interesting to be a part of such an old tradition and even though I joined on my own, I truly never walked alone.

The pilgrimage banner, showing Mother Mary and the names of the two towns, Valkenswaard and Handel

Pilgrims taking a brake and enjoying the sunshine

Waiting to get going

Horse drawn carriages were also part of the procession

On the go

Little decorated cups holding wishes for Mother Mary

'Little brides' joined the statuette of Mother Mary for the last meters of the pilgrimage

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Walking in the rain

Not so much singing, but plenty of walking in the rain. Two hours into my training walk this morning, clouds came in. One hour later, it started to drizzle and half an hour after that, it started raining for real. As I was only 10 km from home, I decided to keep walking, instead of calling Pieter to come and pick me up. I was surprised at how many people were still out and about, doing their thing despite the rain; walking, running, bicycling ... And everybody said a very cheerful good morning; I guess we were all glad to see we were not the only idiot :-)

After 1 hr 45 min walking in the rain ...

Friday, June 12, 2009


In January, Emma joined the gymnastics club in Veldhoven. After initial insecurities due to meeting so many knew kids, she loves going there. It's really amazing how much these kids can learn in only a few months! Emma also enjoys 'practicing' at home on our trampoline. As you can see in below pics.

She can do this quite nicely on the trampoline, but is a bit afraid still to do it on solid ground

Can you tell that the trampoline is her favorite apparatus?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Janne's group 1/2, with juffen Jany and Petri

At Emma and Janne's school, the teacher's birthdays are all celebrated on the same day. That day is called 'Juffendag' (teacher's day). For groups 1 and 2 (pre-K and K) Juffendag was yesterday. They decided to take all the groups 1 / 2 (150 kids) to a nearby children's zoo / playground. They had a fun afternoon and we were all back at school just before an enormous thunderstorm broke!
Pretty bird; best watched from a safe distance :-)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Walk, bike, swim

Not quite a triathlon, but still .... As usual, I started my Saturday morning with a training walk for the Nijmegen Four Day Marches; a 30 km (5 hr 15 min) walk through the Veldhoven region. Later that day, we had a cycling tour with our neighborhood society (?). The tour took us along 22 km of roads, lanes and paths, which many of us had never seen before or even knew were there. A great way to get to know the neighbors and the area!

Waiting for the start of the cycling tour

The tour also included a quiz and some puzzles and it was very well organized. Because Emma's and Janne's bikes are too little to ride such a distance on, they got to ride in the cart. After the tour, there was a BBQ, including an air mattress for the kids.
Collecting points by naming all the fruits on the pictures

Emma showing her advanced jumping skills

On Sunday, I had a swimming competition in Vlissingen, 60 km farther from our home than where Oma lives. So, I dropped off Emma and Janne at Oma's and drove on to Vlissingen to swim 100m freestyle and 50m breaststroke.

The results were good:
*100m free - 1:15.61 very happy - 1st of 6
Almost 3 seconds faster than last month in Eindhoven. It was a 25m pool though, so the time was as expected (normally one swims faster in a 25m pool, because of the extra turns).
*50m breast - 46.30 bit disappointing - 2nd of 2
Almost the same as in April; more practice is needed here.

While at Oma's, the girls were allowed to get creative on Oma's bandaged leg.

Also done this past weekend; Emma showing off her Kapla-art. She loves building things with the little wooden planks

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sunny and warm

Again, a long weekend with (mostly) very sunny and warm weather. Hopefully there is some sun left for summer :-) Emma and Janne had fun in the sun, both in our back-yard and during our visit with Pieter's son and his family.

Janne enjoying her own private 'swimming' pool

At first time trying, Emma is able to keep the hoop up!

Pippa teaching the girls how to crochet without a crochet-pen