Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

In the (early) morning, we celebrated Father's Day. The celebration was limited to giving gifts and serving Dad breakfast in bed, because Mom had to go walking. Still the girls were very excited that they were finally allowed to give Pieter there gifts. Emma had made some very sweet 'I will help you' vouchers and Janne had made a big lighthouse.

Janne's lighthouse has a real light at the top

Emma's vouchers are hidden in a box decorated with a piano

Now, I just came home after walking the second 40 km. It went very well. I only have a little 'heat rash' on my ankles, but that should be gone tomorrow. Today was even nicer than yesterday, because there was more singing and lots of people along the route. Especially in Valkenswaard, the end of the route, there were rows of onlookers. I'm a bit more confident now that I will be able to complete the Nijmegen Four Day Marches :-)

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