Monday, October 12, 2009

Boelie up-date

Boelie is growing like a dog ... When we got her, she weighed 2.5 kg, last Friday she weighed 4 kg. She's 9 weeks old now and eating more every week. She's very active, especially in the biting area! It's very hard to teach a collie (read sheep herding dog) to not bite ankles or trousers. After decades of breeding, biting ankles (sheep's ankles that is) is instinctive. We're trying hard to let her know we're not sheep and we don't need herding. She is learning, but slowly. There's a few commands she obeys, but still more that she doesn't (yet). It's a good thing puppy training will start soon :-)

Still a pro when it comes to posing!

Janne has lost most of her fear of Boelie; Emma is still jumping on chairs whenever Boelie comes too close ...


Unknown said...

What a lovely doggy.

KRom said...

Thanks, Alan. She's only half her adult size now, so she'll be quite a bit bigger in a few weeks time :-)