Friday, April 23, 2010

Emma's talk

Emma held her first talk in class today. She spoke about the animal shelter. Her teacher called her talk 'excellent', because she was so well organized and because she told her story instead of reading it. We were invited to sit in on her talk and were ever so proud of her performance.
In the middle of her talk

In preparation for her talk, she read a book about the animal shelter and visited a shelter in Eindhoven. Pieter took pictures, which Emma used to make a wall chart as illustration for her talk. Because she was quite nervous about it, we rehearsed her talk every day for the last week. And she did splendidly!
Explaining the pictures

As Janne was at home with an ear infection and Pieter and I both wanted to sit in on Emma's talk, Janne joined us. She was duly impressed with her sisters presentation :-) After a week of better and worse days and some bad nights, we started Janne on antibiotics today to treat her ear infection. Due to several other regular complaints in addition to the ear infection, we now have an appointment with the ENT doctor, for a total check-up of the ENT area.

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