Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun on Monday

This Monday (Pentecost Monday, if such a thing exists in the Anglo American world ...) we did what a lot of Dutch people do on that day; we went on a family outing. From the many options we had, we chose to visit a nearby farm, which opened its doors to the public. It was a fun way for the girls to get to know more about a cow farm, even if it was sponsored heavily by Campina, a major Dutch dairy company.
Playing farmer
Not flying cows, as in Taiwan, but jumping cows
A one day old calf

Later that day, we joined the festivities in our neighborhood, to the occasion of the opening of the new bandstand. Again, lots of fun for the kids and a great day!
Making their own paper
Baking bread-on-a-stick; actually pretty tasty!

Oma up-date: Oma stayed in the hospital for a week, after which she moved to a home for the elderly to recover further. She has had visitors pretty much every day and she's doing fine. Her plan is to go home this week.

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