Friday, July 23, 2010

Kids party!

Party kids!

Janne had her birthday party for her friends today and we had fun! For the first time, Pieter and me did it all by ourselves (previous years, Oma and tante Elly helped out) and we can proudly say that we did fine :-) I do admit that I prepared the event pretty thoroughly, which took me the biggest part of the week. I made a script, listing all the activities and games, as well as all the needed materials. In the morning, I put everything in separate boxes, ready to be used when the script called for a certain game. But, kids will be kids and not everything went as planned. We had to improvise a bit, mainly by taking out activities.

Before the party started, we were concerned that we wouldn't be able to fill the whole four hours. Funny, considering that we took out one handy-craft activity and three games and still ran half an hour late. Which, of course, is always better than running out of things to do.

As this also was the last week of school before summer recess, Janne (and the others) were shattered by the time the party was over. But, only happy faces and happy stories in the car on their way home. Therefore, happy mom and dad as well :-)

Happy birthday to Janne!

Water-shooting bottles off the table

Get-dressed-and-eat-potato-chips race

Building the highest Kapla tower

French fries and frankfurters (note the self made colored sand and flowers on the table!)

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