Friday, August 20, 2010

Louvière, Normandy, France

We just arrived home after ten days in Normandy, France. We spent a week on a farm of 'Un lit au pré' (in English/US Feather Down Farm). After we visited Michiel last year in such a tent, we promised the girls that we would spend this year's vacation on a farm as well.

And it was great fun, despite the initially rainy weather! Although the tents don't have hot water, electricity or gas, they are equipped with a toilet, running water, a wood stove and a wooden insulated crate to be used as fridge. The beds (one double, one bunk and one 'bedstee') are excellent. The tent really is an attraction in itself and the girls played in it the whole day the first day (it rained).
Our tent, called La Fleole (an herb)

A candlelight breakfast for four

Besides enjoying ourselves on the farm, we spent one night at a château, went to the beach, did some tree climbing at le Val des Cîmes, canoed at Pont D'Ouilly, took a tour inside a nuclear submarine at La Citė de la Mer in Cherbourg, ate mussels in Grandville and visited both Pieter's sisters. Another fun vacation in La France!

Dressed to the occasion; ready to visit Le Château

Building sand castles on the beach

View of Grandville

Give them water and a stick and they play for hours ...

Climbing adventure

Monkey number 2

One of our new pets, thanks to Pieter's sister :-)

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