Friday, November 26, 2010

Sinterklaas is here again!

Again, it's that time of the year. Sinterklaas arrived in the Netherlands two weeks ago, to celebrate his birthday here on December 6th. Very exciting times indeed, for kids up to the age of about 8 or 9. Today, Janne's class, together with a few more from their school, was fortunate enough to be invited to visit Sinterklaas' castle in Helmond.

During the Sinterklaas period, Helmond Castle is transformed into the Castle of Sinterklaas. When visiting as a private person, you have to wait in line for at least one and a half to two hours. Now, as a school group, we could go right in. For the children, it was a wonderful, almost magical, visit. There were many, many Zwarte Pieten (black helpers) to entertain the kids and explain things, Amerigo, Sinterklaas' white horse was there and there were hundreds of presents everywhere.

Visiting the washroom of the Zwarte Pieten

The most exciting room of the castle, the Pakjeskamer (gifts room)!

Sinterklaas himself invited us into his office and ... bedroom

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