Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Two more certificates!

On Sunday, Janne showed us that she is also an advanced swimmer by passing the exam for her Swim Certificate B! She announced that she wants to continue to get her C. And then the next and the next and the next certificate.

Ready to go in, donned in (the top part of) her carnival outfit (it'll be carnival next week)

Waiting for the next task

Trying to dive in ...

Traditionally, Oma came over for the occasion and was the first to congratulate Janne on her achievement

Yesterday, Emma passed the exam for her fourth Swim Certificate. Good job, Emma! She will continue now with a survival swim course.
Waiting in line, acting silly

She made it through the underwater hole!

True survival skill; staying afloat using a plastic bag

Mom is just happy that they enjoy swimming so much :-)

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