Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baldus Bear

A few months ago, Emma joined a choir. On Sunday, they had their first real performance. Together with a full orchestra they performed Baldus Bear, a musical piece for orchestra, choir and story teller, about a bear whose life is changed by music. Despite the fact that they only rehearsed with the orchestra twice, it sounded really good and everybody was very enthusiastic.

It was quite a busy Sunday, with final rehearsal at 11.30 am, first performance at 1.30 pm and second performance at 3.30 pm.
Emma didn't like having to sing the same piece twice on one day, but besides that, she enjoyed performing.

Choir and orchestra
The choir singing (Emma = front row, 5th from the left)

Break time is Nintendo DSi time!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Radstadt Austria

We just returned from a week skiing in Radstadt, Austria. Same apartment, same mountain, (almost) as much fun as last year. Emma and Janne again enjoyed skiing very much. A nice extra for them was that one of their ski-classmates from last year was there again as well. We found out that she lives only 30 km from Veldhoven, so funny.

On Thursday, the traditional end-of-course race was held and Janne finished second in her class! Emma was a bit disappointed, as she finished last (again). On our last day there, I skied down with the girls for the first time and I was so amazed at how fast they skied and how well.

The girls in their ski-class, with teacher Markus; he is dressed up because of carnival Tuesday (Fashing Dinstag in German)
Emma racing down
Janne's turn at racing
Janne finished 2nd, Emma 9th
Ready to ski down together
Here we come, still far away
And here we are, still together, all in one piece

Pieter and I had a great time as wel, that is, until Tuesday ... On Tuesday afternoon, Pieter took a big fall (and all the kings horses and all the kings men could not put Pieter together again). Fortunately, it wasn't all that bad, but still serious enough that he was brought down from the mountain and to the hospital. He didn't break anything, but he did hurt his face rather badly and every bone and muscle in his body is aching now. It'll be a few more weeks before he'll be fully mobile again.

Pieter, after the big fall. He actually looks a bit better here, as compared to right after the accident. Now, five days later, he already looks and feels a lot better.
Frau Kindler, the owner of the apartment we rented, with the girls. She kept saying 'brave Kinder' (good children) and always gave the girls chocolates. We already informed them that we'll be back next year!

Friday, March 4, 2011


As we go skiing during Carnival, the only chance the girls get to celebrate Carnival, is at school. So, they dressed up as Disco Girl and Chinese Girl, walked in the school Carnival parade and had fun.
Chinese Girl and Disco Girl (I know, I know, Chinese aren't really yellow, but hey, we aren't really pink or white either ... )
Emma attached to her teacher in the school Carnival parade

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Two more certificates!

On Sunday, Janne showed us that she is also an advanced swimmer by passing the exam for her Swim Certificate B! She announced that she wants to continue to get her C. And then the next and the next and the next certificate.

Ready to go in, donned in (the top part of) her carnival outfit (it'll be carnival next week)

Waiting for the next task

Trying to dive in ...

Traditionally, Oma came over for the occasion and was the first to congratulate Janne on her achievement

Yesterday, Emma passed the exam for her fourth Swim Certificate. Good job, Emma! She will continue now with a survival swim course.
Waiting in line, acting silly

She made it through the underwater hole!

True survival skill; staying afloat using a plastic bag

Mom is just happy that they enjoy swimming so much :-)