Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No news ...

...is not always good news. Ever since we had Boelie, our plan was to have a litter of puppies. So, almost five weeks ago, when Boelie was in heat, we put her together with Spatz, the dog of Pieter's son. Boelie and Spatz had a fun filled afternoon and we were filled with hope.

Today, after an ultrasound, the vet told us that Boelie is not expecting ... Quite disappointing, especially since we were sure we noticed all all the signs of pregnancy. Advantage is that we'll be free this summer to do whatever we want, instead of looking after a litter of puppies. Still, disappointing. Emma and Janne were really looking forward to having a house full of puppies. Well, maybe next summer ...
Spatz and Boelie, not mom and dad (yet)

Boelie's belly needed to be shaven for the ultrasound. Janne and her friend were very interested.

The ultrasound, no puppies found

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