Thursday, August 18, 2011


This last week of summer holiday, we spent a few days in the Dutch province of Drenthe. Emma did a paper on Drenthe and we decided to go look for ourselves at the topics she researched for her paper. So we walked through the peat moor (hoogveen) landscape, admired the many sheep there and we looked at the 'ja-knikkers' (oil drills; yes, we have oil in the Netherlands). We also visited Drenthe's capital of Assen and drove around to see some 'hunebedden' (dolmens). We stayed at a very pretty B&B, Annapart and we enjoy our stay there very much. Recommendable to anyone who plans to visit the area!

For the girls, the highlight of our stay at B&B Annapart were the two kittens Timmy and Tommy
Pieter and I enjoyed the breakfast at our B&B very much

Peat moor and sheep; very Drenthe like

One of the prettiest (and most complete) dolmens in the area (Dolmen #D50).

Another famous Dolmen, 'De Papeloze Kerk' (the Pope-less church)

Emma eye to eye with Queen mother Emma

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