Sunday, September 4, 2011

FEI Family Day and much more

Saturday was a busy, but great day. It started at 7 am with walking Boelie, followed by Janne's swim class at 9 and grocery shopping at 10. Hairdresser appointed for me at 11.15, lunch at 12.30 and local community bicycle tour start at 2 pm. We didn't finish the tour, but left early to rush to the FEI Family Day, where we arrived around 5.45 pm. When that closed at 7, we drove back home, changed clothes and walked to the neighborhood BBQ. By 10 pm, we were all exhausted, after so much fun packed in one day. But, the weather was glorious and we had a wonderful day. Needless to say, we didn't do much at all today :-) The FEI Family Day was extremely well organized and we felt sorry we could only enjoy the food and activities for just one hour. The girls both had their faces painted and they looked beautiful.

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