Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stay over

This fall break was stay-over week. Emma stayed over at Janne's and Janne at Emma's, the three of us stayed over at Oma's, the girls stayed over in our room and they stayed over in our guest room. Lots of lugging mattresses around and lots of fun. Simple and very effective way to make it a special week.
We could just fit the two of them into our wardrobe room
In the guestroom

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall painting

This week is the girls have fall break and I have a week off from work. Excellent time to do some serious organizing and cleaning. Result: multiple boxes filled with clothes, to be taken to Poland and to the second-hand shop, several boxes with household items for the second-hand shop, one run to the recycle area and lots of empty storage space! All ready to be filled again ...
Pieter started a project he wanted to do for a while already; he made a painting together with the girls. It ended up being a very colorful, modern art type painting. Now all we need to do is find the right spot to hang it.

And ... I started running again! Goal is the half marathon next year October in Eindhoven, together with three co-workers at FEI. I'm not sure if I my body can still do it, with my back injury, but I'm going to give it a serious try. Starting real slow and gradually build up the work-out, that's the plan. Will keep you informed :-)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

World Champion

Last night, the Dutch team beat Cuba 2-1 and they are now World Champion Baseball 2011! View the last minute of the game on YouTube (commentary in Dutch)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Spring is in the air ...

The last week of September and the first days of October, the weather was exceptional. Temperatures of up to 26 degrees C early October are pretty remarkable. Even Mother Nature was confused, as could be seen on the front page of the local newspaper. It was great though, to be able to go outside in T-shirts and shorts, after a rather dreary summer.
Spring in October