Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall painting

This week is the girls have fall break and I have a week off from work. Excellent time to do some serious organizing and cleaning. Result: multiple boxes filled with clothes, to be taken to Poland and to the second-hand shop, several boxes with household items for the second-hand shop, one run to the recycle area and lots of empty storage space! All ready to be filled again ...
Pieter started a project he wanted to do for a while already; he made a painting together with the girls. It ended up being a very colorful, modern art type painting. Now all we need to do is find the right spot to hang it.

And ... I started running again! Goal is the half marathon next year October in Eindhoven, together with three co-workers at FEI. I'm not sure if I my body can still do it, with my back injury, but I'm going to give it a serious try. Starting real slow and gradually build up the work-out, that's the plan. Will keep you informed :-)

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