Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Canada - 2

The trip is almost over. It's been great and we've seen a lot. Still, we've only seen a tiny bit of the enormous country of Canada. We traveled 3100 km, from Toronto, via Quebec, to Tadoussac and back to Toronto. The weather has been glorious; we only had one day of rain. And even on that day, the sun came out and we were able to do the planned hikes! Meantime,the photo album is almost ready and will be ordered the day we get home, to be ready a week after our return :-)
Sailing the river with a canoe, lots of fun, but hard work!
Our truck, home for the past three weeks.
Ready to go spot some wales.
Posing with the girls on a pretty, rocky beach
View of Tadoussac harbor, Sagenay Sound.

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