Monday, December 24, 2007

Sabbeltje on the move

After 7 years in Taiwan, less than 40 days separate us from our departure. We won't go straight back to the Netherlands though. First we will travel through Australia for one month, after which we go to Singapore for a last visit there. After a few days (hopefully only two days will do) back in Taiwan, to finish up some administrative things, it's off to Holland!

After all our belongings are packed end of January, until we move into our new house in Veldhoven early June, we won't be able to up-date our Sabbeltje webpage. Because we would like to keep our friends all over the world informed about our whereabouts, we created this blog. Everybody assured us that it is very easy to post a blog, even pictures, much easier than a formal website. So, here we are: Sabbeltje as blog. This way, we hope to be able to continue at least weekly up-dates, starting sometime in January.

Wish us good luck :-)

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