Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Boerenkoolstamp for Christmas

Second post, mainly for practice. Next one might be one with a picture! If we figure that out, that is ... Don't let the posting date throw you off. We're writing this post on Wednesday, December 26, but as blogspot is US-based, it's still Tuesday, December 25 on its clock. Hence the date above this post.

Yesterday we had our Christmas dinner. As it was a rather last-minute decision, it wasn't very fancy. But it was good and we had fun, also preparing it. The menu contained the following: mushroom soup with French baguette and paté - mashed potatoes with kale (boerenkoolstamp) and cutlet with mustard and cheese - vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Not bad eh, for a last-minute Christmas dinner :-)

We bought Maggie some warm scarfs and bonnets for Canada; she'll need them! Here, we had the warmest Christmas we can remember; the thermometer still goes over 20ºC during the day and on Emma's birthday on Saturday, it was 25ºC! What a contrast with the landscape-in-white pictures from the Netherlands.

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