Sunday, January 27, 2008

5 days to go and counting

Today, we've been putting everything the movers are not supposed to pack in our bedroom. This now looks like a warehouse, but it feels good, to know we've done our part. We could have done this earlier, but both Pieter and I are real deadline workers. Hopefully we didn't forget anything important.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

6 days to go and packing

This week, we started sending boxes to the Netherlands as early shipments. There's some with winter clothes (in March it still can be pretty cold in Holland) and some with selected toys (we wouldn't want Emma and Janne to have to wait three months for their toys). We've also been putting things together to take to Australia (finally). And today, the real packing began; the people from Yamaha came and put the grand piano in its box!
That was a pretty nervewrecking experience for Pieter, probably the most stressfull event of the whole move :-) The thing is, here in Taiwan, that, even though the people know very well what they are doing (one has to assume ... ), they hardly ever look the part. The all drive a 'little blue truck' and all look as if they just spend the last hour fixing their car. Not exactly the picture of professionalism. I guess, if anything, we've learned in Taiwan to not judge people by their looks.
The two guys who took apart our piano, carried it down the stairs (350 kg!) and put it in its box, never hesitated one second and had all the necessary tools with them. Well, except for tape and scissors.
Tomorrow one more day of preparations (mostly selecting what goes where) and on Monday the movers come!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

12 days to go and getting ready (and nervous)

We had a fun weekend, including a goodbye dinner with our Formozart friends and goodbye tea with Taiwanese friends. With all the business trips behind us, we're finally making serious preparations for the Big Trip and the Big Move. Boxes to be sent are being packed, goodbye gifts are being prepared, things to take to Australia and to Holland are being selected, items are being sold or given away, IKEA furniture is being disassembled, goodbyes are being said. As all our belongings will be packed by Crown, our house still looks pretty normal. That's probably another reason why it's taking so long for the feeling to sink in, that we're actually laeving Taiwan.

For me, our departure from Taiwan will be a double goodbye, as I will also leave ASML. Hopefully only temporarily, but still. After working for ASML for ten years, it'll be strange not to be part of the team anymore. I'm looking forward to spending more time with Emma and Janne though. When we told them that yaya Maggie would not go with us to the Netherlands, they were a bit concerned about who would take care of them. When we told them I would be staying at home they were quite happy: 'so you will be yaya mama!'.

Monday, January 14, 2008

18 days to go and still traveling

The house in Veldhoven is now officially ours! On January 10, the key was handed to the contractor and if all went well, they already started the works. Kind of funny that I've actually bought (part of) a house that I've never seen and they're taking it apart already. And as I cancelled my trip to the Netherlands (what was I thinking when I thought it would be fine to travel to Europe the week before our house gets packed up?), I won't see the house until the major construction has been done. Maybe that's for the best ...
This week, it's my turn to travel. I'm in Shanghai for an ISO surveillance audit. I must admit that at times I have a hard time concentrating on the audit and I'm quite happy I don't have to travel to the Netherlands next week.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

25 days to go and traveling

Yesterday Pieter left for Europe and today he called me from the Champs Elysees. Only to let me know that he just ate a wonderful crepe au citron :-) Emma, Janne and me spent an easy Sunday taking down the Christmas tree, putting some more things out with the trash, lunching at Starbucks; the regular routine.

The main reason for this post is to try include a picture. As this weblog will be our main website for the duration of our trip to Australia and our subsequent move to the Netherlands and into our new house, we would like to be able to include a picture every now and then. Therefore a little test.

Seems to work just fine :-)