Saturday, January 26, 2008

6 days to go and packing

This week, we started sending boxes to the Netherlands as early shipments. There's some with winter clothes (in March it still can be pretty cold in Holland) and some with selected toys (we wouldn't want Emma and Janne to have to wait three months for their toys). We've also been putting things together to take to Australia (finally). And today, the real packing began; the people from Yamaha came and put the grand piano in its box!
That was a pretty nervewrecking experience for Pieter, probably the most stressfull event of the whole move :-) The thing is, here in Taiwan, that, even though the people know very well what they are doing (one has to assume ... ), they hardly ever look the part. The all drive a 'little blue truck' and all look as if they just spend the last hour fixing their car. Not exactly the picture of professionalism. I guess, if anything, we've learned in Taiwan to not judge people by their looks.
The two guys who took apart our piano, carried it down the stairs (350 kg!) and put it in its box, never hesitated one second and had all the necessary tools with them. Well, except for tape and scissors.
Tomorrow one more day of preparations (mostly selecting what goes where) and on Monday the movers come!

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