Sunday, August 24, 2008

Making good progress

Over two weeks ago, I promised some pictures of the move, but alas ... I misplaced my photo storage device. As the connection cable for my camera has not resurfaced from the boxes yet either, I'm currently unable to post pictures. So, you'll have to believe my word that we're making good progress unpacking boxes. The guest room still looks like a storage facility, but in all the other rooms, most boxes are gone, even in the garage. And once we start moving boxes to the attic, the guest room will also look more presentable.

Last week, both the Erard and the Yamaha piano arrived. Pieter is thrilled to have his two other sweethearts back and we are happy to have music back in our house :-) We also have grass in our back yard now, instead of a huge sandbox and as of today, Emma and Janne are allowed to play on it. I am trying to buy a trampoline via, Holland's most popular second hand sales website.
9 am: yard without ...
6 pm: yard with grass!

During the last week of summer vacation, Emma and I participated in the Jeugd Wandel Driedaagse. This is a three day event, during which kids aged from 5 to 12 walk 5 or 10 km per day. We registered as members of one of the school's groups, because I thought it would be a great way to get to know some kids and parents from school. I also hoped it might kindle some interest in Emma for walking/hiking. I'm very glad I did, because Emma had a great time. Not to say that she didn't complain about the distance or the heat or her tired legs, but all in all she did very well. On the third day, she didn't complain at all and she absolutely loved the marching band, which accompanied us during the last kilometer, the cheering people along the route and the flowers she got from dad. We are all so very proud of her!!
Walking the walk
Group picture

Emma and Janne both (!) started school a week ago, so their lives are 'back to normal' as well. Emma was very excited to go to group three and proudly informed us that she can now write the letters 'i' and 'm' in handwriting font. She did say she missed all the art time they had in Kindergarten though. Hopefully we can make up for that at home for the next couple of weeks, until she's used to the new regime. Janne was looking forward to going to group one of the basisschool and I think it met her expectations. She was totally shattered by the end of the week though, so she'll also need a few weeks to get used to this new experience and the new schedule. Now that we live at less than 10 minutes walking distance from school, the morning and lunch routine are a little bit more relaxed than before, when I had to cycle 15 minutes to get Emma to school.

That's about it for now. It's seven am and our day has started. Emma and Janne went to bed a little late last night, so it's be a difficult start of the week :-)

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