Thursday, September 25, 2008

Found you!

For all those who were concerned about our lost photo albums and who kept their fingers crossed; thanks, it worked! Even though I said we unpacked all boxes weeks ago, that was not true literally. There were one or two boxes of which I scanned the contents, but which I didn't unpack. One of them was a box with ASML stuff (or so I thought). I briefly looked through the box and concluded it was filled with work related ASML binders. Today, I needed some ASML information and therefore took all the binders out of the box. And happy, happy me, when I discovered that the bottom five binders were actually Taiwan photo albums number 4 - 8, representing October '02 - April '06!!! I guess it would be wise to re-check a few boxes to find the last missing album, of my six months in Colorado, USA, back in 1992. So, thanks again for the crossed fingers; you can un-cross them now :-)

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