Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My bike is back!

Today, my brother-in-law brought my bike back to me. Actually, it's at the motorshop, where they will (try to) get it back up and running. I am SO EXCITED to have my Tranalp back (even though it is not exactly nice touring weather at the moment). I didn't really miss the riding in Taiwan, but ever since we're back, it's been itching pretty seriously. So, hopefully they will be able to fix the bike and hopefully we'll have at least a few nice days in fall for me to go riding.

The bike looks surprisingly good, pretty much the same as I left it seven years ago, and even the tires seem to be still ok. Next week, the guys at the shop will start working on it. As I forgot to take a picture this morning, here's one from 1996. It's taken during a motorcycle trip to Switzerland.
Me and my bike! Also note the long hair I had back then :--)

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