Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Out of storage

Today, the very last part of our move back to Holland happened. Vereijken Movers emptied out two crates, with a total volume of 16 cubic meters, in our garage. Plus a vintage Honda CB750 motorcycle. All this had been in storage for seven and a half years. Over the past weeks, we had tried very hard to remember what was in storage. Some items, like my ice cream maker, my sewing machine, an antique chair, an antique dining room set and camping equipment, came back to us. Other things, like my black and white dark room equipment, three (!) tv sets (the big, bulky ones of course), three boxes with pots and pans, several boxes with glass and chinaware, were a total surprise. Why did we keep this stuff? Why did we pay storage fee for these forgotten things for over seven years? Here's some hindsight advice: when you move (to another country), throw everything away that has been in your attic for over 2 years. Unless you have a strong emotional attachment to it, like I have to my grandfather's old radio, or unless there's a practical reasons why it's been up there, like that you haven't gone skying for three years.
Hello boxes; long time no see ...

It is fun though, to open all the boxes and find hidden treasures (crystal wine glasses) and surprises (photographs of old boyfriends). Even if half of it will end up in the second hand shop. Maybe someone will appreciate that we kept it for all these years.

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