Thursday, October 2, 2008

Charity event for Nepal

Last night, Emma and Janne's school organized a charity event to raise money for a village in Nepal. The children in the village don't have time to go to school, because they have to spend hours every day to fetch water. The 'theme' was introduced weeks ago and several fund raising activities, like collecting empty PET bottles, were organized. The older children (grade 5 and 6) came to the lower grades to tell about Nepal and to explain the reason for the fund raising.
Janne throwing with all her might, cheered on by Miss Jany, one of her teachers

During the fund raiser last night, each group organized its own 'event', which they prepared earlier this week. In Emma's class, most kids made some food at home, some were selling toys. The popcorn sold very well, but Emma was very disappointed that only a few people wanted to buy her home-made-and-decorated cookies. Good thing is that we get to eat them :-) In Janne's group, the children had to bring some toy/gift to school, which they wrapped and put in a 'grabbelton' (lucky-dip?). It was a big hit and all the gifts were gone in less than two hours. Also the 'ballen gooien' (throwing balls at cans?) was very popular.
Cookie saleswoman on her popcorn break; Janne wants to buy some cookies

Being new to the whole school thing, I thought that the International School in Hsinchu asked quite a lot from parents. It seemed like there was an event almost every week, which required either help, donations or some kind of other involvement from parents. After five months of experience with the school system in Holland, I'm beginning to realize it's the same as in Hsinchu. So, it's probably the modern way of organizing education, with LOTS of parent involvement. As long as I don't have a job, helping out in Emma and Janne's class is an excellent opportunity for me to get to know more people in Veldhoven and to get to know Emma and Janne's classmates and friends.

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