Monday, February 16, 2009


This time, it's not about Emma and Janne swimming, but about me swimming. Yesterday, I had my first swimming competition in 28 years and it was GREAT FUN! I was nervous as could be, but fortunately that didn't really influence my performance (I think). I swam three short distances: 50m freestyle, 50m breaststroke and 25m butterfly. As a bonus I was also asked to join the PSV 4x25m relay medley team as last swimmer (freestyle). Nervous and happy to swim competition again

All in all, I was very happy with the results. I was not disqualified on any of my distances and my times were all faster than I had hoped for. For anyone interested here are my times:
50m freestyle - 35.21 - 2nd place (of 6)
25m butterfly - 19.10 - 3rd place (of 4)
50m breast stroke - 46.16 - 1st place (of 3)
4x25 medley relay - 1:11.12 - 2nd place (of 2 - only 1 second after 1st place)
Getting ready for the 50m freestyle

I chose this specific competition to be my first, because it was held in Hoogerheide, my home town. This meant that my mom and sister could also come and watch. It also meant that Emma and Janne could join, because it would allow them to go home with oma if they got tired of sitting around the pool. Which is exactly what happened; after about an hour and a half, my mom left with Emma and Janne, while my sister and Pieter stayed for my last two distances.
My fans did an excellent job cheering me on

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