Monday, February 16, 2009

Cyclo-cross world championships

Cyclo-cross world championships in my home town!

Two weeks ago, the cyclo-cross world championships were held in Hoogerheide, the Netherlands. I'm not really into cyclo-crossing, but when the world championships are held in my home town, I get a little interested. Main (only) reason for the world championships to be held in Hoogerheide (not exactly the centre of the world), is that it's also the home town of Adri van de Poel, a former cyclo-cross world champion. And we were there. Well, kind of. We didn't really see the race, as it cost 25 EUR p.p. to watch it, but we did go to have a look at the after-cross festivities. Those in themselves were quite interesting to witness. Especially since the reigning Dutch world champion (Lars van der Boom) was dethroned by the very young Belgian Niels Albert. With the ever ongoing rivalry between Belgium and Holland, this made Niels' victory double fun for our southern neighbors.
Belgians partying while the world champion is being interviewed in the sky-box. The flags are the regional flags of Flanders, showing the Lion of Flanders.

Some more Lions of Flanders and the Belgian national flag

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