Thursday, April 23, 2009

Museum tour

The past couple of months, the theme at Emma's and Janne's school has been 'cultural heritage'. For the younger students this was translated into 'now and the old days'. To start off the theme, there was a short play by some of the teachers and there were displays in the hallways with old items from older days. Quite surprisingly, the theme was a big hit with the little kids and even Janne came home with stories of how things were done 'when oma was young'. To close the theme, a visit to two regional cultural heritage museums was planned. I helped out with Emma's group, by guiding a group of kids through the exhibition. Most children were quite good at listening to the stories and participating in the question and answer session. Some of course were only interested in running around. As it was only a 1 hour visit, it was very doable and we all had a good time.
At the (very old) wishing well

Class 3a with Ms Henriette

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