Monday, April 27, 2009


In two weeks time, I will be competing in the Open Dutch Masters Championships Swimming. Emma and Janne will be staying with Oma and Tante Elly, so I will be at the swimming pool from Friday 1 pm until Sunday 5 pm :-) Even though I don't stand a chance of winning a medal, I'm still getting a bit nervous. For most distances in which I'm competing, I'm listed somewhere in the middle of my age group, usually 9th or 10th out of 20. It would therefor be super if I could finish around 5th or 6th place on some of the distances.

For those of you who think that there are only a few 'oldies' (old being over 25 years of age ... ) crazy enough to want to do competitive swimming, here's some statistics of the ODMC:
- number of countries participating: 10
- number of clubs participating: 158 (120)
- number of swimmers participating: 621 (520)
(To put these numbers into perspective a little bit, I added the numbers for Dutch clubs and participants between brackets.) Even more impressive (I think), is the fact that there are 4 participants (3 women, 1 man) in the age group 80+ !!

In case you didn't get it yet; I'm really looking forward to the event!!

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