Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This being the last week of summer vacation for Emma and Janne, we went on one last day-trip. To Dierenrijk (Animal Kingdom), in Nuenen. Although its name indicates that it's a zoo, its main attraction lies in the combination of zoo and playgrounds. There's not just one playgrounds, but there are several playgrounds throughout the park, all more or less in theme with the neighboring animals. What was nice about this visit (don't know if that's always the case), is that the animals were quite active. Two polar bears were playing in the water, otters were running around, raccoons were out on a stroll and elephants were taking sand baths. So, despite the uncooperative weather (it rained most of the afternoon), we still had a nice day. We'll definitely go back for another visit on a drier day.

Attentive otters; we couldn't figure out what they were looking at

Taking a soothing sand bath

Our own two little monkeys

And even a picture of me

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