Thursday, September 17, 2009

Digital photography

After making 23 analogue cut-and-paste photo albums in 7 years (see above picture), I too entered the digital era. Admitted, I did make a computer based album of 2008, so technically, that was my first. It doesn't really count though, because it was meant as a quick fix for me being behind with my album-making.

The one I made this time around is a 'real' album; of our Australia trip, last year February. Making the album 1,5 year after the fact, meant that I had to use travel books, atlases, our weblog and Pieter's much-better-than-mine memory to recollect all the locations and place names. For the album, I didn't use Apple's iPhoto, but the free software of I chose this provider, because it is said to have the highest printing quality. Main advantage of the sw over Apple's, is its flexibility. It provides lay-outs and everything, but you can change those at will and even design your own formats. After two weeks of hard work, the album is finished. Now all I can do is wait for the result ...

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