Sunday, March 28, 2010

Swimming certificate A!

Yet another milestone happened for Emma today; she received her first swimming certificate (A)! After one year and nine months, she passed the test today. There were 44 children taking the test and the instructors turned it into quite a party. Nice to watch and less stressful for the kids.
Nervously waiting for the test to start

Breast stroke, clothed

Back stroke, looking pretty relaxed

We celebrated with a visit to the pancake restaurant 'de Pannenkoekenbakker' in Eersel. A guaranteed hit with the girls, also because of the face painting and the free gifts.
Painted faces

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Got you!

Not real!
As you may have guessed, the broken arms were not real. We went to the Maximá Medisch Centrum (hospital), which had an open day on Saturday March 20. Many departments were open to the public and we were able to see several interesting demonstrations.

One of the demonstrations was how a cast was made; everyone who wanted it could have their arm put in a cast. Emma and Janne wanted it badly enough to wait 45 minutes for their turn. In the Maternity Department, we witnessed a 'baby' being born and the girls had a peek into a 'kijkbuik' (peeping belly) to see a baby inside a pregnant tummy. We had a tour of two operating rooms, both girls had an ultrasound done of the artery in their neck and they took their dolls to the doll-doctor.
Great fun and educational as well :-)
A bit worried, but she did it anyway

Operating on a box is pretty difficult

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Boelie is now almost 7 months old, has grown quite a bit and continues to do so. Her back is higher than the coffee table and she can (and will if given half a chance ... ) put her paws on the kitchen counter. She still is a quick learner and a bit less of a biter (although we've been warned that we have to guard anything with wooden legs until she's at least 12 months old). Her energy and enthusiasm are still sky-high (comes with the breed) and very importantly; Emma (!!!) and Janne love her.

Emma totally lost her fear of Boelie and she now plays with her, gives her orders and cuddles with her; it is great to see that change. Emma is still cautious around other dogs, but as far as I'm concerned, that's okay. Better safe than sorry.
Darker than before, still beautiful

Friday, March 5, 2010

On skates

Even though spring is still a few degrees C away, the snow has melted and the pavement is dry enough to start practicing ... roller skating! Emma used her new wheels for the first time. I think the ice skating has helped to get started, because after half an hour, she was rolling on her own.
Her she goes, by herself!