Sunday, March 21, 2010

Got you!

Not real!
As you may have guessed, the broken arms were not real. We went to the Maximá Medisch Centrum (hospital), which had an open day on Saturday March 20. Many departments were open to the public and we were able to see several interesting demonstrations.

One of the demonstrations was how a cast was made; everyone who wanted it could have their arm put in a cast. Emma and Janne wanted it badly enough to wait 45 minutes for their turn. In the Maternity Department, we witnessed a 'baby' being born and the girls had a peek into a 'kijkbuik' (peeping belly) to see a baby inside a pregnant tummy. We had a tour of two operating rooms, both girls had an ultrasound done of the artery in their neck and they took their dolls to the doll-doctor.
Great fun and educational as well :-)
A bit worried, but she did it anyway

Operating on a box is pretty difficult

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