Saturday, March 6, 2010


Boelie is now almost 7 months old, has grown quite a bit and continues to do so. Her back is higher than the coffee table and she can (and will if given half a chance ... ) put her paws on the kitchen counter. She still is a quick learner and a bit less of a biter (although we've been warned that we have to guard anything with wooden legs until she's at least 12 months old). Her energy and enthusiasm are still sky-high (comes with the breed) and very importantly; Emma (!!!) and Janne love her.

Emma totally lost her fear of Boelie and she now plays with her, gives her orders and cuddles with her; it is great to see that change. Emma is still cautious around other dogs, but as far as I'm concerned, that's okay. Better safe than sorry.
Darker than before, still beautiful

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