Sunday, November 21, 2010

A, C and Lang Lang

Yesterday, we spent the whole morning at the swimming pool. Janne had to swim at 9 am to receive her swimming certificate A and at 11 am it was Emma's turn for certificate C. As before, Oma came over for the occasion, to cheer the girls on. I took many pictures of Janne, after which my battery ran out. So, Emma's pics are here by courtesy of the club photographer ...

Nervous and ready to start

A little dance to loosen up

Janne's turn to swim under water

Floating like Patrick (from the Sponge Bob cartoon)

She did it!

Emma's group, ready to start

Waiting in line, all wet

Great dive!

Oma was also kind enough to travel to Veldhoven a day aerly, giving us the opportunity to go out on Friday, to a piano concert. Lang Lang played in Eindhoven and we were able to get two tickets to listen to his magnificent performance. It's truly amazing how one person can spellbind a theater full of people, by 'only' playing on a piano. Wonderful music and a great night out.

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