Monday, December 20, 2010

And more snow ...

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ... Even though it's pretty white outside right now, rumor has it that it will all be gone by the end of the week. We keep our fingers crossed that the snow will stay longer than expected and that we will indeed have a white Christmas!

The river Gender in the snow

Our back yard (and my bike ... ) covered in snow
Boelie loves running around in the snow, but sat down patiently for me to take this picture

Yesterday, we celebrated Emma's birthday (a little bit). Oom Kees and Oma drove through the snow from Hoogerheide, to bring Emma her gifts. As it started to snow again just when they left, it took them two hours and fifteen minutes to get home (under normal conditions, it's an hour and fifteen minutes drive)

Eagerly unwrapping a gift

Sisters :-)

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