Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pakjesavond 2010

Sinterklaas has left the building and the country. Life is back to normal for everyone with kids under the age of eight ... We had a great weekend, with Pakjesavond at home on Saturday and at oma's on Sunday. The Groot Uitpakspel (Big Unwrapping Game) again was a big hit, as where the presents.
The presents are there! But again the girls were too late to see the Zwarte Piet who delivered them ...

Assignment of Groot Uitpakspel: put on your coat, scarf and hat before selecting and unwrapping a present

Another assignment: walk around the dining table with three pepernoten on your head

Happy girl

Another happy girl

Both Pieter and I love the Sinterklaas tradition and are not looking forward to the time when our girls will be non-believers. Maybe we can keep the tradition alive by making Surprises for each other ...

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