Sunday, January 20, 2008

12 days to go and getting ready (and nervous)

We had a fun weekend, including a goodbye dinner with our Formozart friends and goodbye tea with Taiwanese friends. With all the business trips behind us, we're finally making serious preparations for the Big Trip and the Big Move. Boxes to be sent are being packed, goodbye gifts are being prepared, things to take to Australia and to Holland are being selected, items are being sold or given away, IKEA furniture is being disassembled, goodbyes are being said. As all our belongings will be packed by Crown, our house still looks pretty normal. That's probably another reason why it's taking so long for the feeling to sink in, that we're actually laeving Taiwan.

For me, our departure from Taiwan will be a double goodbye, as I will also leave ASML. Hopefully only temporarily, but still. After working for ASML for ten years, it'll be strange not to be part of the team anymore. I'm looking forward to spending more time with Emma and Janne though. When we told them that yaya Maggie would not go with us to the Netherlands, they were a bit concerned about who would take care of them. When we told them I would be staying at home they were quite happy: 'so you will be yaya mama!'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, yaya mama, you're in for the real work ...