Saturday, February 9, 2008

Barossa Valley to Adelaide

Yesterday, we thoroughly enjoyed a day in Barossa Valley. It's a wonderful place to spend many more days than just one. The first thing we did was go to the Saltram Winery, as Pieter considers Saltram to be one of the best wines outside of France. After that, we made a 30 min helicopter flight over the valley, which we all thought was GREAT fun! Emma and Janne were not afraid at all, not even when the rotor blades started making a lot of noise.

We ate our lunch at Zinfanel Tea Room in Tanunda, which we can really recommend to anyone visiting the Barossa Valley. The food is great (mostly German) and the hostess is very nice. After that we visited the biggest winery in the region, Jacob's Creek. We mainly chose this winery (out of the fifty plus in the valley), because Jacob's Creek was the first affordable and good wine we could find in Taiwan. Now there's many more good wines for reasonable prices available. Unfortunately, we were too late to go to the Storybook Cottage, but we'll make it up to Emma and Janne by an extra beach visit on the west coast :-)

Today, Friday, the weather finally cleared up and it was a nice, warm day. We had to hand in the campervan before 1 pm, so we drove straight to Adelaide. The advantage was that we had a whole afternoon to do some sight-seeing in Adelaide. We found our first Starbucks of this trip and had a great fish-and-chips dinner. Adelaide has many beautiful old buildings, which we plan to see more of tomorrow morning. Tomorrow at 3 pm, we're boarding a flight to Perth, where we'll start our second leg of this trip. In a 4-wheel drive Toyota Landcruiser ....

And, as you can see, Karin finally managed to get some pics included in the posts! (Also in some earlier posts.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hoi Karin, Pieter, Emma en Janne,
Te gek daar lijkt me. Een helicopter vluchtje lijkt mij ook wel gaaf.
De tijd lijkt te kort om daar alles helemaal te doen :)
Hopelijk kunnen jullie nog veel genieten en misschien zelfs een beetje uitrusten voor de nieuwe uitdaging in NL.
Jullie zitten van de regen in de zon. Wij komen net terug van Val Thorens Frankrijk en hebben afwisselend sneeuw tot sneeuwstorm en zon gehad. Voor ons wel weer wennen nu we weer in ons kikkerlandje te zijn en het weer regent met ook weer zon. Vooral dat er nergens sneeuw ligt is wennen.
Zal voor jullie straks ook wennen zijn om in NL te zijn denk ik.
Nog veel plezier.