Thursday, February 7, 2008

Padtheway to Barrossa Valley, South Australia

Today, we made it to Nuriootpa, Barrossa Valley. It was a long drive, especially since we first had to visit a doctor in Keith this morning with Emma, who had a allergic reaction (skin rash) to something or other. We think it was a weed she fell in at a playground yesterday. We got some medicin, she seems to be ok.

The weather has been changing during the last two days, from hot and sunny, to rainy and windy and back to sunny (but still cool). The scenery is very Australian; big open grass lands, interlaced with flat, small towns. Locations of campgrounds are usually indicated as '1km SE (South East) of PO (Post Office)' or similar direction. Fortunately, they're usually not far from the main road. Tomorrow, we plan to explore the the wineries of Barrossa Valley, including (if all goes well) a 30 minute helicopter flight over the area! Hopefully the weather will be ok, so we can actually enjoy the flight and the views.

Maybe our next post will have a picture attached (assuming such thing is possible with these 'internet kiosks' and assuming that Karin can figure out how to work with her new photo storage gadget)...

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