Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Karijini Nat'l Park and 80 Mile Beach

After Coral Bay, we drove 535 km to Tom Price, where we spent the next day exploring the wonderful Karijini Nat'l Park.
Even with two little kids, we could do some of the walks, and we got to walk through a river and swim in a little lake under a waterfall! If you want, you can take long and more challenging walks, but for us, this was just perfect!

The day after that, we wanted to drive to Port Hedland, but fellow campers at Tom Price advised us not to stop there. Port Hedland apparantly is nothing but a big industrial town/area, with nothing interesting to see. So, we ended up driving 670 km from Tom Price to 80 Mile Beach, yet another town (actually only a campground) in the middle of nowhere. But a very nice campground, 100 meters from the beach.
It's very hot and VERY humid this far north in Australia ... On our way to the campground yesterday late afternoon, we spotted several kangaroos and the girls where very excited :-) This morning, we went searching for shells at the beach and now Emma and Janne are playing underneath the sprinklers on the campground. Which is ok, because we are the only people here ...
One last thing needs to be said: Emma and Janne are doing SO great with the travelling! Even yesterday, when we spent almost 7 hours driving, with only two 15 minute stops, they didn't complain, hardly fought and just played and had fun!!

We've only got a few more days left DownUnder. Tomorrow, we go to Broome, where we'll spend our last day, before flying back to Melbourne and to Singapore. No pics this time, as I'm posting this one again from one of those (horrible) PIE-Link internet kiosks.

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