Sunday, May 4, 2008

Family weekend

Saturday, my sister celebrated her birthday. It was a typical Dutch birthday party, with family sitting in a circle, chatting and enjoying some bites and a few drinks. Emma and Janne of course enjoyed the attention, as this was the first time in years that my cousin, nieces and nephew saw our two girls.
Emma waving goodbye on her way to oma's

This weekend was also a big one for Emma, because she spent the night at oma's. It was her very first time away from home, without mom and dad! She was very excited about it. So excited in fact, that she didn't go to sleep until 11 pm ... and was awake again at 7 am the next morning. She was a bit grumpy on Sunday, but is already looking forward to her next 'logeerpartijtje'. She'd like to give Tante Elly's a try next time.

When we picked up Emma the next day, we noticed that the yearly fair was in town. As a child, I always loved going to the fair, to ride the merry-go-round and helter-skelter and to see what surprises the other attractions had for me. Emma and Janne really liked the two rides that were there for smaller children, as well as the fire-fighting booth, where they got to shoot with powerfull waterpistols. Besides that, I found the experience rather dissappointing. There were only a handfull of people and a handfull of attractions and rides. I cannot imagine that this was all there was when I was little. Were we so easily amused at the age of eight to ten? Was there so little entertainment in our town, that we got all excited over this? I really hope Emma and Janne's memories will be as happy as mine, but it's a bit hard to imagine ...
Emma and Janne enjoying the ride

Mama was a bit nervous to join this ride, so Tante Elly got lucky

I've got one more photo I'd like to share. It's of Janne walking around with one of my (few) dolls and my toy baby stroller. It's so much fun to see how Emma and Janne are now enjoying all my old toys. Thanks to oma, who kept all these things for all these years!

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