Friday, May 23, 2008

Sunny days

Emma sharing a blanket with Douwe and Pippa

Pentacost weekend was very sunny and warm and we had a great time outdoors; at playgrounds, bycicling, the parrot park and in our own small back yard. That weekend, we also visited Pieter's son Michiel in Arnhem. It was a great day to go there, because they live a stones throw away from a nature reserve, with great walking trails. Plus, they have a backyard with lots of playing equipment, including a pool. Needless to say that Emma and Janne enjoyed themselves tremendously, although the (unheated) water in the pool was still really c-c-c-cold. Karin enjoyed a nice long walk with Marielle and Spats, their dog. Pieter helped Michiel to build a wood shed in the back yard. At the end of the day, we had a very nice and yummy BBQ. A perfect end to a sunny, three day weekend!
BBQ time!

Work on the house is going well, with only a 2-3 week delay. The critical thing now are the floors. They should be in when the container arrives mid June, so that we can move everything into the proper rooms. All the other work is progressing nicely and timely.

Below, a picture of Janne playing bunny rabbit with one of my sweatshirts.

The warm weather has caused all the spring flowers to start blooming and there's lots of colours in front and backyards. This one is growing in our neighbour's front yard. The flowers are enormous, as big as my hand. Really beautiful!

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