Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Travelling again

That is, Pieter is travelling again. He returned from a one week trip to Poland on Thursday last week and is leaving today of another 8 day trip to Gorsow, Poland. In Gorsow, TPV has a relatively new tv-factory, which is suffering from a lot of start-up and inexperience problems. Pieter is helping them to straigten things out. Quite a different job from 'Europe Sales Support, but he likes to do it. And that's important too. Pieter's frequent trips to Poland also mean that I don't have a computer, because the only one we have at the moment is his laptop. No computer means no weblog up-dates.

As for me and my job, ASML didn't come through in the end. 'Things changed', as they always do at ASML, and my help was not required after all.

EuroSoccer Craze has started officially today. The first match of the Dutch soccer team for the European championships is today (against Denmark). Half the country is coloured in orange and all shops are selling orange/soccer items. It's quite a lot of fun to see the supporters go nuts in this period. And, who knows, the team might even win and it might get really interesting. On tv, they're now replaying the semi-finals and the final of 1988, the last year Holland became soccer world champion. Hoping that it will inspire the current team to rise to the same hight, no doubt. We'll see. If I get a chance, I'll post a picture of a really funny street in Eindhoven, which is decorated totally in orange.

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