Friday, June 13, 2008

All checked, all well

On of the many differences between Taiwan and the Netherlands is the level and number of health checks for babies and toddlers. In Holland, you go to the 'consultatiebureau' on a regular basis during the first four years of a child's life. Especially in the baby's first year, you make a lot of trips to this office. When the child turns four, the consultatiebureau hands over the files to the GGD, to which, among others, the school doctor is connected. He or she keeps adding to the file, as your child is checked by him/her in group 2 (kindergarten) and in group 6 (grade 4).

In the past weeks, both Emma and Janne were checked by the school doctor and the consultatiebureau doctor respectively. Nothing but good news, they're both in perfect health. Their vision is excellent, which is a relief (for now), as both Pieter and I have been wearing glasses from a young age. Their hearing is fine too, although we regularly get a different impression ... Height and weight are right on schedule, Janne a bit higher up on the charts than Emma, as we expected. Although we had no real concerns, it is a relief to get a formal confirmation that all is well. Emma and Janne are now officially 'in the system' and big brother is also watching (over) them.

Another little news item; Emma and Janne will start swimming lessons next week! Fortunately, not all swimming schools have a two year waiting list. Today, I found one in Eindhoven at which they can start next week Tuesday. They're really looking forward to it and I hope they'll have lots of fun. Maybe I'll look for one more sport for them, like dancing or gymnastics. As I really have to start excercising as well, I checked out a few gyms in the area. Hopefully we (my friend Mya and I) can start working out soon. Pieter started taking piano lessons at the local music school and registered for next season, in preparation for his starting at the music acadamy in the fall of 2009.

Our moving date to the new house is still moving further into the summer, which is quite frustrating. But, once it's over and done with, all will be forgotter soon. Or so we are told.

As for the European Championships, Holland is playing France tonight. There are approximately 45.000 Dutch fans in Bern, Switserland and hundred times that number here in Holland. For all these people and for the team I hope we'll win and will have at least a few more days of soccer fun!

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