Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cow poop

When the weather is nice, the girls love to play with water. Preferably in combination with sand. Which makes mud, as everybody knows. Today, the weather was nice and Emma and Janne had lots of fun making mud cakes (or cow poop, as they called it ... ) in the back yard. Some of the 'cow poop' also ended up in the kitchen, as that is where the water tap is located.

Home made cow poop

Even though they regularly have fights, in general Emma and Janne play very well together. And now that Janne is getting a little bit older as well, it is not always Emma anymore who determines what game is being played. I'm happy I was able to have them so close together, because now, they'll always have someone to play with. Once they reach puberty, I may regret this, but for now, it's great!

Today, I also had lunch with several of my former ASML colleagues. Even though I didn't miss work or my colleagues in the part couple of months, it was really fun to talk to them again. And get up-dated on the latest organizational changes and gossip :-) Apparantly, this is not a good time to go look for a job at ASML. Maybe next year. Pieter already found a job posting for me that sounds interesting. I'll contact them and apply for the job. The job is partly quality assurance, partly IT. Will keep you posted on outcome :-)

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